The State's Faith Healers of Poverty...
George Reisman's Blog: The State Against Economic Law: the Case of Minimum Wage Legislation
Science, arts, philosophy, theology, economics, government, life, the universe, and everything. Ah, the power of knowledge...
Posted by
5:36:00 AM
I watch a v-blog on a fairly regular basis called Rocketboom, and today’s installment is stranger than normal. It’s on plastic bags, of all things. The producers highlight how plastic bags are supposedly destroying the earth, killing marine life, etc. Then they talk about how governments can reduce this so-called damage, by putting a tax on plastic bags. Fortunately, the
Scientists and engineers make products that people desire to accomplish useful purposes – ultimately these products are both for survival and enjoyment. Allowing the free market to work, and hence allowing we producers to make things that people want, promotes nothing less than the continuation of the human species. These measures of restricting trade, though perhaps well intentioned, are ultimately detrimental. In fact, I am convinced that environmentalists do not value humans much at all, as they are often more concerned with the well-being of non-sentient animals and the non-living “climate” than the well-being and preservation of human life. To make matters worse, they always endorse theft from others as the means of accomplishing their convoluted goals. Now that’s what I call a waste!
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7:23:00 AM
Tags: economics, government, science, Web2.0
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7:18:00 AM
Tags: economics, government
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8:25:00 AM
Tags: government
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8:27:00 AM
Tags: economics, government
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8:50:00 AM
Tags: education, government