Classical Cool: Who is William Kanengiser?
Big Classical Guitar News: Bill Kanengiser of LAGQ is performing at the St. Louis Ethical Society on October 11. It definitely will be a concert to remember. Bill is an incredible musician, the legendary "first guitarist" of LAGQ. If you live within 100 miles of the St. Louis area, you should go to this concert. And you need to buy his latest album: Classical Cool.
Unfortunately, the St. Louis Classical Guitar Society website is not functioning right now. There you would theoretically find more information about concerts coming up. In the future, we will see the amazing talent of Denis Koster (he studied with SABICAS!!!), Jason Vieaux (he studied with MY TEACHER), Antigoni Goni, Paul O'Dette (best lutenist ever, period), and Denis Azabagic (Bosnian wonderboy). This is going to be an incredible concert season!