Tuesday, December 05, 2006

It's been a LONG time...

Hello there, my precious few loyal readers. I apologize for being so absent as of late. I have been so extremely busy writing papers about war, planning experiments in the lab, studying nanotechnology, practicing New Testament Greek, and researching economic history that I just haven't had the time to write blog posts. I know, I can't believe it either, NO TIME FOR BLOGGING!

So here's some recent news:

My best friend's wife had their first child! He is healthy and apparently confused, just like his daddy.

My brother and I were just eliminated from the Fantasy Football playoffs in the first round due to a series of unfortunate events.

I finally made my first good polymer films last week. It was the wafers, @#$^*!

I wrote a paper called Against War and the State. Apparently, it has made the rounds without my knowing and is receiving both vitriolic denouncement and critical acclaim. I can't wait till I revise it for official publication.

We went to St. Louis for Thanksgiving. It was awesome!

We have one week of classes left. I'm done in exactly 9 days. I can't wait to focus in on lab work! We've been getting good results this last week...

I am currently writing an concluding an extremely random blog post. See you later!