Thursday, August 31, 2006

UT Austin rated as the top gaming school in the country

This just in from the University of Texas at Austin has been rated the top computer gaming school in the country. That's pretty neat, I didn't know that. Of course, it also means that the potential for time-wasting is highest here too, but that's first and foremost a matter of personal discipline - not atmostphere.

GGL's First Annual Top Gaming Colleges Survey

UT's Section in the article

Governor Rick Perry calls for a "Special Election"

Libertarian congressional candidate Bob Smither has an amazing opportunity in Texas district 22 to make a difference in the November election due to scuzbucket Tom DeLay’s scandals and withdrawal from the election. But look what Rick Perry, our glorious governor [/sarcasm], did [edit] to "facilitate damage control" for the rest of the congressional session [end edit, apologies]. They’re getting desperate, and this displays that, at the very least, the GOP here in Texas, outside of Ron Paul, has very little principle…

Special Election Set For the Texas District 22 Race

There are some new developments in the race for Texas's 22nd Congressional District.
From the Houston Chronicle:

“Gov. Rick Perry ordered on Tuesday a special election for the unexpired term of U.S. Rep. Tom DeLay to coincide with the general election Nov. 7, when only two months will remain on DeLay's term. Candidates wishing to run in the special election must file with the Texas Secretary of State by 5 p.m. Friday.”

Here is the response from Stephen Gordon, Communications Director for the Libertarian Party:

“Our founding fathers fought and died to prevent Americans from being taxed without adequate representation. Governor Perry could have called for a special election some time ago to ensure that the voters of Texas 22 were properly represented in Congress.

As opposed to governing in a responsible manner, Perry's priority is to facilitate Republican Party damage control in the wake of Tom DeLay scandals and the GOP failure to place a candidate on the ballot for the general election. Once again, Republican leadership has violated the trust of the voters.”

While there will be two names on the general election ballot in November, voters who prefer responsible government and constitutional leadership have but one choice: Libertarian Bob Smither.

From the Libertarian Party Blog

Is this the way that a politician should go about acting? I think not. Responsible government doesn’t call special favors for itself…

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Serenity and V win LFS awards...

From the sweet website Reason:

We're a few days late to note it -- blame the Space Squirrels, or maybe the Amsterdam air -- but the Libertarian Futurist Society announced the winners of its annual Prometheus Awards last Friday. Best Novel went to Ken MacLeod, for Learning the World. Alan Moore and David Lloyd won the Hall of Fame Award, given to classic fiction, for their graphic novel V for Vendetta. And a special prize went to Joss Whedon's film Serenity.

Congrats to those awesome writers. Excellent work!

As I recall, Serenity also won a Hugo Award!

Top 3 Reasons to watch Battlestar Galactica

If you are a thinking adult aren't watching Battlestar Galactica, you should be ashamed of yourself. It isn't just a Sci-Fi show, it's a drama that hits on issues across the board. There's so much to talk about here, but I'll give you 3 reasons for watching (maybe sometime I'll expand it to 10):

  1. Compelling characters - The Adamas, Starbuck, Colonel Tye, the President, the Chief, Boomer, Baltar. The actors are amazing, and you feel what they feel. One character you love to hate, the next you hate to love. They make you think and rethink about who you identify with in the show.
  2. Compelling story - Battlestar isn't just about humanity fighting for survival against machines bent on destroying everything, it's about humanity fighting against itself for survival. Will humanity be guided by might, or right?
  3. Compelling issues - The writers take on issues like torture, abortion, rigging elections, unethical politics, militarism, statism. I'm hoping to work on a paper with Rod Long of the Mises Institute on this stuff.
In short, this show is unlike anything I have ever seen on television. Most television is vacuous and anti-thinking, but not Battlestar Galactica.

Why not check it out at While you're at it, see director Ron Moore's blog.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Playing around with Blogger in Beta...

I've been toying with the new Blogger interface, which is in Beta right now. It's very nice, but to use it requires that you destroy much of the custom coding that you put into the template. I reverted back to my original look and will probably wait until the new interface allows for HTML editing before I use it all the time.

So don't forget, if you convert your Blogger blog to the beta, you lose a lot of your work. Fortunately, you can REvert back to the old system of html editing with no problems, so there is no risk AT ALL in trying it if you want...

Thursday, August 17, 2006

What if I were a Web 2.0 Company?

This is what my logo would look like...

Generated Image

Make your own Web 2.0 logo at the parody site,

powered by performancing firefox

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Firefox Crop Circle!

Oregon State University Students make a crop circle in the image of Firefox!

"I pity the fool who don't use Firefox!" ~ Mr. T

powered by performancing firefox

Mises Institute on the Wall Street Journal

For the first time, the Mises Institute makes it into the Wall Street Journal!

powered by performancing firefox

Tuesday, August 15, 2006


Performancing is a cool blog editor that runs as an add-in to Firefox.

If you don't use Firefox, you should. If you blog, you should check out Performancing.

powered by performancing firefox

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Those misty numbers...

This just in from the UT School of Law Events Department...

September 13-14, 2006
8a.m. to 5p.m.
Thompson Conference Center, UT campus, Austin $390.00
- -------------------
"Governmental Accounting Demystified"

That'll sure be worth the $390! [/sarcasm]