Monday, May 21, 2007


There's a flurry of activity focused around Ron Paul of late... I'm sure you're catching wind of it. If you didn't watch the debate, you can, of course, get the highlights on Youtube. Here are some articles about what happened between Rudy and Ron.

Ron Paul Rocks! by Karen Kwiatkowski

Giuliani Is Right To Be Outraged by Thomas Eddlem

But Who Was Right – Rudy or Ron? by Patrick J. Buchanan

By the way, many people have asked me whether or not Ron Paul is a
Christian. I said I wasn't exactly sure, but I figured that he was
considering what his granddaughter has said about him to me in the past
and his general rhetoric. Note at the beginning of the Youtube video
that he is a "Protestant."

Finally, I will write about the RP fundraiserOnce I get all the photos on my computer. I hope to do so tonight.