That's all folks...
... and thus ends another wonderful semester at UMR.
Finals are over. The reactor design final was the most difficult test I suppose I have ever taken, but I think I did well. Today's Molecular ChE exam was cake with extra icing. No problem at all...
Unfortunately, fortune did not shine upon the American Literature CLEP exam... I did almost exactly as the CLEP study guides predict - a person with a year of college literature should answer half the questions correctly - but apparently it isn't enough for UMR, as I needed another 5 questions to pass. People, that exam was VERY difficult. Oh well, despite this it was worth the try... Thanks to Jaired and Leon for lending me that itty-bitty review book, and no thanks to the College Examination board for the pathetic online study guide.
I move to Kansas City tomorrow, start work Monday. YEAH!
This is QM, going to have some fun before the packing begins, signing off...