News Roundup...
And here are today's headlines/articles with color commentary...
Nuclear Regulatory Confusion: A good article on nuclear power regulations.
Why we should have a gold standard.
FEMA News: So a bipartisan panel says FEMA should be scrapped because of the Katrina failure, but what's the next part of the plan? Build another ridiculous disaster-relief organization! When will you people learn? "The first obligation of government is to protect our people," says Senator Susan Collins. Government consistently fails in any form of "protection" from national disaster, and it consistently fails in relief efforts too. Letting the market deal with it is the answer. For more information, see, as usual.
Congress 'discusses' gas prices? This op-ed piece by Dana Milbank is idiotic. Cmon, you think you have some sort of right to tell people what kind of car you can drive? Give me a break. If I want to spend my money on a gas-guzzling car, it's none of your business! Now, personally I don't drive one of those vehicles (too expensive), but who am I to restrict somebody ele from driving one?
The Omega Number, Godel's Theorem, and a Theory of Everything: This is a nifty article for all you math gurus out there. I think I'm going to put his book on the reading list...
What's this? A Battlestar Galactica prequel? Very cool.